Activities on San Cristóbal Island

Kicker Rock

It's a rocky formation that's approximately 144 meters high. Here, you can observe seabirds such as blue-footed boobies, frigate birds, masked boobies, and sea lions. When snorkeling or diving, you can see sea turtles, rays, hammerhead sharks, and a wide variety of fish.

Travel is by boat. The entire tour takes approximately 7 hours, with departures from San Cristóbal's pier usually scheduled in the morning by travel agencies.

To ensure you don't miss out on this beautiful tour, make sure to book it well in advance. The tour to Kicker Rock is usually combined with a visit to one of the stunning beaches along San Cristóbal's coast.

How to get there: By boat through the tour, you can book online or in person when you arrive at the island. You'll always be accompanied by a naturalist guide.

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Puerto Grande Beach

This beautiful beach with white sand, calm and crystalline waters will allow you to enjoy the sun, sand, and sea, from where you'll have a stunning view of Sleeping Lion. You can also observe species of coastal plants along with shoreline or migratory seabirds.

Visiting this beach is usually combined with the tour to Kicker Rock.

How to get there: By boat through the tour you can purchase online or in person when you arrive at the island, you will always be accompanied by a naturalist guide.

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Cerro Brujo Beach

Located on the northern coast of San Cristóbal Island, next to a hill that is an eroded volcanic cone called “Cerro Brujo.” This beach has crystal-clear water and white sand, where you can swim and have a beautiful view of Kicker Rock and the highlands of San Cristóbal.

Located on the northern coast of San Cristóbal Island, next to a hill that is an eroded volcanic cone called “Cerro Brujo”. This beach has crystal-clear water and white sand, where you can swim and have a beautiful view of Kicker Rock (León Dormido) and the highlands of San Cristóbal.

Among the fauna you can observe are Chatham mockingbirds, lava lizards from San Cristóbal, sea lions, and marine iguanas, as well as various seabirds like pelicans and seagulls. While exploring this beach, you can see cacti, chala plants, and palo santo trees.

Visiting this beach is usually combined with the tour to Kicker Rock (León Dormido).

How to get there: By boat through the tour you can purchase online or in person when you arrive at the island, you will always be accompanied by a naturalist guide.

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Manglecito Beach

This site is composed of two visitation areas: the mangrove area and the beach area. The mangrove area is an ideal place for interpretation and observation of aquatic birds, unlike the beach area, which has been used as a recreational spot.

Visiting this beach is usually combined with the tour to Kicker Rock.

How to get there: By boat through the tour you can purchase online or in person when you arrive at the island, you will always be accompanied by a naturalist guide.

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Española Island

It is the oldest island in the Galápagos archipelago, located southwest of San Cristóbal Island. After a two-hour boat ride you disembark at Punta Suarez, where the trail walk allows you to observe a wide variety of birds, such as Español albatrosses, Blue-footed Boobies, Masked Boobies, tropical birds, as well as the Red and Green Iguana and entire colonies of sea lions.

You also visit Gardner Islet where you can snorkel or dive, and see marine iguanas, zayapas, and cucuves on the rocks.

On Española Island, there is a tunnel that, when connected to the force of waves and tides, projects a water spout that rises up to 25 meters in height.

How to get there: By boat through the tour you can purchase online or in person when you arrive at the island, you will always be accompanied by a naturalist guide.

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Cerro Pitt, Pitt Islet, and Punta Pitt

Punta Pitt is located at the eastern end of San Cristóbal Island. It has a set of eroded volcanic cones and scenography of various colors due to different types of lava. There is a beach trail of approximately 90 meters with several natural viewpoints. Here, you can enjoy the sighting of Blue-footed Boobies, Red-footed Boobies, and Masked Boobies, as well as two species of frigates nesting in the same area.

Blue-footed Boobies nest in the interior (rarely on cliffs), Red-footed Boobies nest on bushes, and Masked Boobies nest on cliffs.

On this tour, you can also do snorkeling or diving.

How to get there: By boat through the tour you can purchase online or in person when you arrive at the island, you will always be accompanied by a naturalist guide.

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 Lobos Island

It is a small, flat islet, located approximately 10 kilometers from the port of San Cristóbal Island. During the boat ride, you can observe brown pelicans and various marine species.

Along the trail that connects the two docks on the island, you can observe arid vegetation, as well as Blue-footed Boobies and nesting frigatebirds.

There are marine iguanas, Chatham lava lizards, swallow-tailed gulls, Galápagos canaries, white-headed petrels, zayapas, and Galápagos sea lions.

On this tour, you can also do snorkeling or diving, and it will be combined with a visit to Ochoa Beach.

How to get there: By boat through the tour you can purchase online or in person when you arrive at the island, you will always be accompanied by a naturalist guide.

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Ochoa Beach

Located to the north of San Cristóbal Island, you can visit this beach with white sand and calm turquoise waters, ideal for enjoying the sun, sand, and sea. It stretches for 160 meters.

At this site, you can observe a colony of sea lions. An outstanding variety of flora is the matazarno, along with ghost crabs and hermit crabs. Birds like the San Cristóbal Mockingbird are common species on this beach.

The visit to this beach is considered part of the tour to  Lobos Island.

How to get there: By boat through the tour you can purchase online or in person when you arrive at the island, you will always be accompanied by a naturalist guide.

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Pier Promenade

Located just 5 minutes from the hotel, it starts at the level of Sea Lion's Beach and ends at Golden Beach. During this stroll, you have a beautiful view of the harbor and can observe a large colony of sea lions at Sea Lions Beach. You can also see sea lions swimming and playing near the passenger pier Sometimes, you might spot sea turtles swimming and poking their heads out of the water along the shoreline before reaching the passenger pier.

On the rocky shoreline of the pier, you can see iguanas blending in with the black stones due to their similar color. There are also zayapas, a red-colored crustacean similar to crabs. Consumption of zayapas is restricted.

The pier walk should be done on foot, and you can enjoy a beautiful sunset in the evening.

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El Junco Lagoon

It is the largest freshwater reserve in the Galápagos archipelago, located in the crater of an extinct volcano at 700 meters above sea level. The transfer is done by land, with a distance of approximately 19 kilometers from the port of San Cristóbal Island and a travel time of 30 minutes. The diameter of the lagoon is 270 meters, and its maximum depth is 6 meters.

Here, you can observe frigate birds soaring over the lagoon. When the weather is clear and not foggy, you can see the 3 windmills that contribute to the energy supply of the San Cristóbal population, as well as a beautiful view of the coastal profile of the high part of the island.

The tour to Laguna El Junco is usually offered along with a visit to Cerro Colorado Tortoise breeding Center and Puerto Chino Beach.

How to get there: By boat through the tour you can purchase online or in person when you arrive at the island, you will always be accompanied by a naturalist guide.

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Galapaguera de Cerro Colorado
(Galápagos Breeding Center)

It is a semi-natural Galápagos breeding center located 40 minutes from the port of San Cristóbal Island.

The center explains the natural history of the giant tortoise population of this island (San Cristóbal). During the ecological trail, which covers a distance of 900 meters, you can observe the beautiful Galápagos tortoises at different ages and sizes.

You can also observe a variety of native and endemic plants along the trail, as well as birds such as the San Cristóbal Mockingbird, Galápagos canary, and tree finch.

The tour to the Galapaguera de Cerro Colorado is usually offered in combination with a visit to Laguna del Junco and Puerto Chino Beach. You can also do this visit on your own, but without the interpretative explanation of a naturalist guide.

How to get there: You can take a bus, minibus, or a hired car provided by an agency, or alternatively, rent a car or a bicycle.

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Puerto Chino Beach

This beach has fine white sand and is washed by turquoise-colored sea waters. It is located 24.5 kilometers away from the port of San Cristóbal Island, just a few kilometers from the Galapaguera de Cerro Colorado (Galápagos Breeding Center).

The scenic beauty and the contact with nature make Puerto Chino Beach one of the best accessible beaches on San Cristóbal. Upon arriving at the beach, you will be greeted by sea lions and finches.

The tour to Playa Puerto Chino is usually offered, along with visits to Laguna del Junco and Galapaguera de Cerro Colorado.

How to get there: You can take a bus, minibus, or a hired car provided by an agency, or alternatively, rent a car or a bicycle. It's worth mentioning that there is a distance of 24.5 kilometers from San Cristóbal port to the last stop on the route: Progreso-El Junco - Galapaguera - Puerto Chino Beach.

Until the vehicle's access point at the base of Cerro Colorado, there's a trail where you'll need to walk for about 15 minutes to reach the beach.

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Interpretation Center

Located just 5 minutes away (by taxi) from the town center, here you can learn about the volcanic formation of the islands, species evolution, human settlement history, climate currents, ocean currents, and more. The different exhibition rooms highlight the most significant events related to the discovery and colonization of the islands.

At the start of the trail that leads to the Interpretation Center, you'll have a lovely view of the island's port. After completing the tour inside the center, a trail begins that you can explore for a full morning or afternoon to reach Cerro Las Tijeretas, offering beautiful views of the island and Kicker Rock, and finally arriving at Punta Carola Beach.

The visit to the Interpretation Center, Cerro Las Tijeretas trail, and Punta Carola Beach can be done on guided tours or independently.

How to get there: By walking, taking a taxi, or using a bicycle. After visiting the Interpretation Center, you can follow the trail with three viewpoints that offer stunning views, eventually reaching Punta Carola. The trail should be done on foot.

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Cerro Tijeretas Trail

Its name comes from the frigate birds that inhabit the area, whose tails end in a scissor-like shape. The trail is frequently visited by these beautiful birds.

At one of the viewpoints, there's a cannon of American make dating back to World War II. It was removed by the Ecuadorian Navy in the early 1970s for military exercises.

Another viewpoint provides a panoramic view of the island's northern coast, from where you can see Kicker Rock, Cerro Mundo, and Cerro Las Tijeretas.

At the third viewpoint, there's a statue of Charles Darwin in honor of his visit to San Cristóbal. This island was the first place the Beagle arrived.

The flora of Cerro Las Tijeretas is considered an extraordinary example of biological evolution. Among the native plants you can observe are cacti and red mangroves with their characteristic aerial roots. The flora is highly diverse in this area.

You'll find a cove where you can snorkel.

How to get there: By walking, taking a taxi, or using a bicycle. You can do this trail after visiting the Interpretation center, or proceed directly to explore the trail and finish with a rest at Punta Carola Beach. The trail should be done on foot.

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Punta Carola Beach

Located to the north of San Cristóbal Island, at the end of the trail that connects the Interpretation Center to Cerro Las Tijeretas and this beach, which stretches over 300 meters, is surrounded by dry forest and woody vegetation. It's considered one of the best beaches for surfing in Galápagos. Here, you can observe a colony of sea lions and marine iguanas.

This beach is perfect for swimming and snorkeling, where you can see fish and sea turtles. For surfing enthusiasts, there are excellent waves. From the lighthouse at the end of the beach, you'll have a panoramic view of the island, highlighted by Kicker Rock and the Five Fingers rock formation.

If you visit in the afternoon, don't miss out on the beautiful sunsets that San Cristóbal offers.

How to get there: By walking, taking a taxi, or using a bicycle. You can do this after visiting the Interpretation Center or directly explore the trail and end with a rest at Punta Carola Beach. The trail should be done on foot.

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Mann Beach

Mann beach is one of the closest beaches to the port, where you can enjoy the sun on its white sand and swim in its crystal-clear blue waters. It's only a 10-minute walk or 5-minute taxi ride away.

On this beach, you can see sea lions resting alongside visitors, and in the afternoon, you can witness the beautiful sunset that San Cristóbal offers.

How to get there: You can take a taxi or a bicycle and reach the beach starting point in about 5 minutes by taxi or 15 minutes by foot. If you enjoy walking, you can also reach the starting point of the beach trail from the hotel in around 30 minutes.

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Baquerizo Beach

A trail connects Cerro Las Tijeretas to this small and secluded beach. The effort required to traverse the dense scalecia forest will make you imagine the sensations experienced by the first inhabitants of San Cristóbal.

The trail is of medium difficulty with steep ascents and descents, consisting of clay material and volcanic rocks. You'll see frigatebird and finch nests as you advance along the trail, ultimately reaching the beach where you can rest and enjoy a beautiful view. The beach is not as crowded due to the hike required.

You will be able to see nests of frigates and finches as you advance on the path, and at the end you will reach the beach where you can rest and enjoy a beautiful view, the beach is not so crowded because of the walk you must do.

How to get there: To the Interpretation Center, you can travel by car or bicycle. However, from there, you'll have to take the trail leading to the top of Cerro Las Tijeretas and walk for 45 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the visitor's trekking experience. During the rainy season, you need to be extremely careful on the Cerro Las Tijeretas -  Baquerizo beach trail due to challenging areas to cross.

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La Lobería Beach

Located to the south of the San Cristóbal port, a natural sandy trail of 900 meters will lead you from the start of the paved road to the beach. During this walk, you'll see iguanas and sea lions on the rocky shoreline, as well as some birds.

At the beach, you can enjoy the sun, sand, and sea. The calm waters near the shore are ideal for swimming alongside the sea lions (with proper caution) and for snorkeling, where you can see a variety of marine species, including turtles.

If you venture further from Lobería Bay, you'll find the ideal waves that every surfer desires. This place has hosted world surfing championships in recent years.

How to get there: You can travel by taxi or bicycle to the trail's starting point, which will take around 5 minutes or 15 minutes, respectively. If you enjoy walking, you can also reach the starting point of the trail that guides you to the beach from the hotel in about 30 minutes.

Continuing beyond La Lobería, there's another site known as El Barranco de las Negritas. Below is information about this site.

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Barranco de las Negritas

One of the best routes for trekking enthusiasts is the trail that takes you from the end of La Lobería Beach to El Barranco de las Negritas. During a 30-minute hike through volcanic rocks, you can observe marine iguanas, canaries, and finches. Eventually, you'll reach a spectacular viewpoint where the mighty ocean waves crash against the rocks, and a variety of birds like frigate birds, seagulls, tropical birds, and petrels fly over this beautiful cliff (barranco).

How to get there: At the end of La Lobería Beach, there's a rocky trail that you'll need to walk for about 30 minutes. It's recommended for people who are comfortable walking on uneven trails.

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Opuntia Garden

Located in the south of San Cristóbal Island, the name of this site comes from the abundant presence of cacti or prickly pears belonging to the Opuntias genus. These cacti thrive in dry climates and require little water to survive. Some can reach up to 4 meters in height, and you can take beautiful photos next to these giant cacti during the approximately 2-kilometer trail. Opuntia fruit serves as food for the island's finches.

During the trail, you'll also see a variety of flora species like Galápagos cotton, chala, button mangrove, manzanillo, muyuyo, algarrobo, palo santo, matazarno. ou'll also be able to observe cactus finch, small tree finch, small ground finch, Galápagos canary, and San Cristóbal Mockingbird. It's important not to touch the manzanillo tree or fruit, as it produces a type of sap that is toxic to humans, requiring extreme caution.

This site is recommended to visit through a guided tour or with a naturalist guide, as there's a temporary flooding area during the rainy season. It's necessary to take the necessary safety precautions to avoid accidents.

How to get there: You have to take a taxi to the higher part of San Cristóbal Island, which will take about 20 minutes. At the end of the road, a trail of approximately 2 kilometers starts, which you should complete on foot. The return follows the same route.

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